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Internet Communication/Influential Beer Websites

First, I would like to explore with you how the movement of micro breweries in the U.S became popular in American culture. Second, I will dive deep into how internet communication has served as a catalyst for connecting craft beer connoisseurs with their beloved micro breweries.

The rise of craft beer began in the United States in the early 1980s. Before this wave of micro brewing pioneers hit the U.S, the popular beer Americans sought after was mass produced alcohol that held little traditional roots of flavor. Some of the most notable large breweries of this time and still today are Anheuser-Busch, SABMiller, Heileman, Stroh, Coors, and Pabst. These big time players controlled 92% of the beer production in the United States in 1980.

Since then, the majority of the new breweries that have opened in the U.S. are micro breweries that specialize in a differentiation of hops, malt, and yeast. These micro-breweries use all these factors to create a flavor that can't be found in mass produced beer. The market of craft beer has become a 22.3 billion dollar industry and is predicted to grow annually.

This brings me to my second point, how do these micro breweries compete with giant companies like Anheuser-Busch? They don't have the same marketing budget or access to wholesalers, but with the utilization of the internet phenomena they can put up a pretty good fight.

Most micro breweries focus their efforts on building their brand by utilizing social media, websites, and blogging. All these tools are derived from internet communication and give micro breweries a fighting chance. The use of websites allows consumers to explore new beers on the market and even compare beers they already like with newly brewed specialties.

Websites like allow the user to rank beers of their liking and review new craft beers on the market. The website will also send you recommendations of new craft that fit your beer portfolio. You can blog and even build connections with other craft enthusiasts.

This idea of having a craft "itinerary" has even gone mobile or IOS compatible with Apps such as Untappd. You can check in at local breweries and have discussions with friends about what craft beer is your favorite. You also earn awards and badges for loyalty.


Without internet communication this movement of craft breweries would have never taken off in the twenty first century. The success of these micro breweries can be attributed to the widespread use of internet communication. As technology continues to advance, we will see the personalization of beer continue to thrive and reflect artistic and colorful elements that local breweriers tend to reflect.

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