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How supercomputers work

What is supercomputer? A supercomputer is a machine that was created in the the 1960's and became one of the most powerful technological tools on the planet. This type of computing system is way different than your average desktop or laptop computer. Most computers you purchase at the store do the basic functions a computer is expected to do, such as perform all of its input, processing, output, and storage activities by itself. A supercomputer is capable of processing more than one quadrillion instructions in a single second. These machines can be found all over the world and can be used for a variety of tasks. They can complete complicated algorithms that the human mind can't compete with. These super computers have even helped scientists understand the natural world, in many cases they are used to predict earthquakes, launch nuclear weapons, and figure out scientific phenomenons. This makes these operating systems very useful, but also very dangerous if a country like North Korea got their hands on one. There is an on going race right now between China and the U.S to create the greatest supercomputer. In due time there will be another huge technological advancement that will make supercomputing even more intelligent.

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